News list for " gumi"

Japanese game maker Gumi announces purchase of $6.60 million worth of Bitcoin

According to The Block, Japanese mobile game studio Gumi said it plans to buy 1 billion yen (about $6.58 million) worth of bitcoins. The company said it expects to generate secondary revenue by putting the remaining bitcoins into the staking agreement Babylon. According to the company's statement, Gumi plans to make the acquisition between February and May this year.

2025-02-11 04:58:04

据 The Block 报道,日本手机游戏工作室 Gumi 表示,计划购买价值 10 亿日元(约合 658 万美元)的比特币。该公司表示,预计通过将剩余的比特币投入质押协议 Babylon 来获得二次收入。 据该公司声明,Gumi 计划在今年 2 月至 5 月期间进行此次收购。

2025-02-11 04:58:04
Ion Protocol raises $4.80 million

Liquidity protocol Ion Protocol raised $4.80 million from the likes of Gumi Capital Cryptos, Robot Ventures, BanklessVC, NGC Ventures, Finality Capital and SevenX Ventures, bringing its total funding to $7 million. The new capital will be used to support and develop a native revenue platform called Nucleus, which is designed to help solve the monetization problem of aggregation and application chains, potentially helping to foster new decentralized application use cases in its ecosystem.

2024-08-12 14:10:23
流动性协议Ion Protocol筹集 480 万美元

流动性协议Ion Protocol从 Gumi Capital Cryptos、Robot Ventures、BanklessVC、NGC Ventures、Finality Capital 和 SevenX Ventures 等公司筹集了 480 万美元,使其总资金达到 700 万美元。 新资本将用于支持和开发名为 Nucleus 的原生收益平台,旨在帮助解决汇总和应用链的货币化问题,可能有助于在其生态系统中培育新的去中心化应用程序用例。

2024-08-12 14:10:23
加密合规平台Keyring完成600万美元种子轮投资,Gumi Cryptos Capital和Greenfield Capital领投

Od伦敦加密合规平台 Keyring 周二宣布完成 600 万美元种子轮投资,Gumi Cryptos Capital 和 Greenfield Capital 领投,Motier Ventures、Kima Ventures 等参投。 新融资将用于扩大其链上合规平台。据悉,该平台面向机构投资者和协议提供服务。(CoinDesk)

2024-03-19 08:04:37